Do you even work?

Now before I go too far into my “consumerism is ruining our lives” rant—because the questions above are not actually rhetorical— I want to write the reply I wish I could say to my loved ones who don’t understand, who believe I should be working, or to those that want to travel and don’t believe it’s possible. Here’s what I would say:

Money in Cuba

OK, here we go. Dealing with money as an US citizen is such a pain in the ass. Before we go into all the details here are some important things to know USA banks don’t work in Cuba. No debit, no credit, no nothing There is at 10% fee on top of commission on currency exchange…

Wandering through my mid-to-late 20’s

Last year I visited a dear friend in Germany that I met about 5 years ago when we both were volunteering on a farm in Spain. Even though we lost contact for a couple of years she opened her house up with open arms, and we picked up right where we left off.  During one…

How to Pack Your Carry-on Bag

Hello one and all, today I’ll be talking about my bag, and how I get everything I need for 4 months squeezed into my Osprey Porter 45. Many people are interested in just how I manage to bring months of clothing in just 2 carry on bags. As a society, we’ve been so conditioned to…

Puebla, Mexico

absolutely loved my time in Puebla. For me, it was the perfect place to lose myself. I explored this great city with my friend R and we both put our phones away, any paper maps we may still carry and lost ourselves on the cobblestone.

Throwback Thursday: 12:30 am

Its 12:30 am and I know I will feel this late night tomorrow as I wake up and drive more hours than I slept home. Yet despite all that, the words lay storming in my mind waiting to stream out of my fingers and swim like migrating salmon onto the page.

I got it from my mama

For today’s post I wanted to honor the woman who brought me into this world. Who gave me such a strong example of what it means to be a woman. If you know my mom than I don’t think all my traveling and independent choices should come as a surprise.  Who is now here in…

Off-the-beaten-path: Islands SE Asia

Many people who travel often discover a niche they are drawn to more than others. Some like big cities– they like losing themselves among the bright and exciting lights, and the thousands of people moving from one place to another. Others like historical sights. From Machu Picchu to Ankor Wat, to Teotihuacan they pack their…

My Traveling Must Haves

Wow, last week I received a notification stating this blog has just turned 6! I’m completely stunned, how has time gone by this fast? I swear just yesterday I was standing in the aisles of my local REI trying to figure out which backpack would be the best for my trip to Spain. Now, 6 years, 3 jobs, and 30 countries later I still have that same exact pack accompanying me on my adventures. To honor this fun (abet scary) anniversary I have decided to talk about a few of my favorite things. My backpacking must haves.

Information on the CEPE program- Mexico City

Hello, As most of you know I am studying Spanish in Mexico City over the next 6 weeks. After much research I decided to go with a program titled CEPE that’s associated with the University of Mexico. The program seemed ( and turned out to be) legit, however there is not much information online. This…

How to do London like a Local

During my three days in London I had two amazing family friends show me some not-so-typical places in the city. After a day of seeing the touristy sights they took me out to see a different side of London. Every single time I will pick the non-touristy activities over the tourist sights and this time…