Spring Break


Ok, this post is a little delayed, but bare with me. During my flight home from Spain last summer I was bumped in Chicago and I received a $300 voucher. I had one year to use it, and decided I wanted to go some where on spring break. I wanted to go some where warm, and I didn’t want to spend a bunch of money once I got there. After doing a bunch of research I found this awesome site that marked a bunch of potentially cool campsites in Baja California. I then called one of my best friends and tried to convince him to join me. He hemmed and hawed until finally committing and we book our tickets the same night! In the end we had two other friends join us. 

We didn’t want to plan too much to allow for spontaneity. Thanks to the site above we decided to camp in Los Frailes for some nights, maybe go to Aquas Caliente for a night or two, and then get a hostel in our last day or so in Cabo San Lucas.

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